Alphahole: Now in Kindle Unlimited

I had initially released Alphahole on August 14th with an August 16th release into iBooks, Kobo, Nook, and a few other smaller e-book retailers. This was my first attempt to ‘go wide’ (as they say) with a book being listed outside of Amazon. I have pushed my Nectar Trilogy wide with great results (due to a BookBub promotion), but it seems the contemporary romance category is a very competitive one.

So… three weeks after Alphahole has released, I’ve decided to slide it into Kindle Unlimited. This way, while there’s still buzz, I can hopefully reach more readers.

Kindle Unlimited requires exclusivity for 90 days (for the digital version). I don’t have a paperback version yet. This means Amazon is the only source for Alphahole right now.

I may revisit this again in a few months.

Thank you to any  who bought the book on another platform. I really appreciate it!

As an indie author, there’s a lot of experimentation involved in order to try to find the ‘magic sauce’ and I’m still experimenting. I love Amazon, but don’t want to always have all my eggs in one basket, so I may revisit this again for Alphahole in 90 days or so.

We shall see.

Meanwhile, if you haven’t read the book yet, you can now choose between buying the e-book from Amazon and borrowing it through Kindle Unlimited.



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