Stuff Your E-Reader / Stuff Your Kindle is happening… December 27th, 2023
Fast facts:
What? Romance Books for FREE – 2000+ of them.
How? Choose your reading device and you’ll be shown lists of books available for that platform. Download them for free. You can keep them forever!
What about Kindle Unlimited?
While this has nothing to do with Kindle Unlimited, you might see the option to download the free book with that Kindle Unlimited subscription. As long as it also offers the option of Buy for $0.00, you should choose THAT. Buying it for $0 means you won’t use up one of your KU slots and don’t have to return the book later.
Yes – this is a romance book only promotion. Participating authors choose to collaborate on this event, also known as ZoeBub for the organizer, Zoe York.
You can scroll the whole list or if you’re looking for specific books, you can search the page (ctrl + f for many computers) and type in keywords such as dark romance, enemies-to-lovers, fated mates, mc romance, etc.
Yes, you can also search on Amazon for free books. Amazon has even started to use the ‘stuff your kindle’ phrase to list the promotion. You can search for free books on book platforms all day, every day, too.
But during this Stuff Your E-Reader event, by going to you’ll get the complete list. You can even subscribe to the newsletter, if you like, which will mean you get emails when future events happen.
Incidentally, my MC romance Detour is participating in this event.
Happy reading!
#stuffyourkindle #stuffyourereader #zoebub #freeebooks #freebooks
Buy now with 1-click ensures you won’t use a kindle unlimited slot. Always check to see that the kindle price is $0.00 first. Sometimes glitches happen and books that were supposed to be free for the event, revert to their regular price.