Cheater, by DD Prince – Coming This Winter

DD Prince Cheater

I had a book idea hit me after releasing Wicked, Savage Alpha Shifters #3.

I wrote down a few notes and figured I’d get to it eventually – which often happens when ideas hit me. Some come to fruition, some linger in the idea notebook.

But this story wouldn’t let go of me. This alpha antihero kinda-sorta grabbed me by the throat and demanded I write this story.

More info coming soon, including blurb and cover reveal but for now, here are the story elements and what I’ve shared so far in my reader group.

More teasers will follow soon and if you’re in DD’s Chickadees (my reader group on Facebook), you’ll get to feast your eyes on those teasers first.

I have put a placeholder file on Goodreads, for those who would like to add it to their TBR shelf. Cheater by DD Prince

DD Prince Cheater
DD Prince Cheater tropes

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